Etc/Funny Design

Star Wars Chubbies

suvisor 2007. 10. 4. 23:59

스타워즈를 아는가???

스타워즈를 본사람은 ... ㅋㅋㅋ

이거 넘 귀엽다.

말이 필요 없다 보시라~~

There are some seriously weird things in the Star Wars universe: from Princess Leia's changing accent and that piano-playing blue elephant on Jabba's sail barge to Mr Bronson off Grange Hill commanding an Imperial Star Destroyer. But nothing could possibly be as weird, or as wonderful, as Star Wars Chubbies.

Like Russian nesting dolls.

These cartoony-looking PVC dolls are set to become the latest must-have collectables for Star Wars fans everywhere. Because as well as depicting several iconic characters, each one of these impossibly cute dolls opens up to reveal two more figures within. A bit like those Russian nesting dolls but without the floral headscarves and rosy cheeks.


Obi-Wan Kenobi

There are currently six dolls to collect and most show the evolution of their character, so Darth Vader opens up to reveal Episode III Anakin, who in turn opens up to reveal that annoying twerp from Episode I; Alec Guinness era Obi-Wan opens up to reveal the bearded Jedi from Episode III, who in turn contains the fresh faced young apprentice from Episode I, and so on and so forth.


General Grievous

Desktop companions.

The so-called Sith doll is a break from the norm because yoghurt-faced Emperor Palpatine contains Count Dooku, who in turn contains Darth Maul. We're not sure how they worked that one out; something to do with apprentices we assume. But hey, it all happened a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.


Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker)

Star Wars Chubbies make most impressive desktop companions. They also serve to illustrate how strong the dark side is and how rubbish George Lucas was at reverse-evolving his most iconic characters. Or something like that. The point is these ingenious little dolls are as fascinating and charming as they are revealing. We guarantee it'll take more than a tremor in the Force to stop you from continually opening them up and putting them back together again. So hurry up and get ordering 'cos stocks are limited. And remember: there is no try: buy or buy not!