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MS로보틱스 스튜디오 MSRS Tutorials and Samples

suvisor 2007. 11. 4. 14:44

Tutorials and Samples

로봇 응용프로그램을 작성하는 방법을 샘플과 튜토리얼을 이용해 배울수 있다. 비디오 튜토리얼을 제와하고, 이 튜터리얼은 여기에 링크되어 있다.

Video Tutorials

Visual Programming Language Tutorials

  • Visual Programming Language Tutorials

  • MS의 VPL은 전통적인 프로그래밍에서 전형적으로 찾을 수 있는 컨트롤 플로우 방식보다 그래픽 데이터 플로우에 기반을 둔 프로그래밍 모델 응용프로그램으로 디자인된 개발환경이다. 필수 명령어들의 순차적 실행보다 데이터플로우 프로그램은 그 재료가 도착했을때 그 임무를 수행하는 조립라인의 작업자와 같다. 결과적으로 VPL은 동시 발생성의 변화나 분배 프로세싱 시나리오등의 프로그래밍에 적합니다.

    VPL은 변수와 로직같은 기본 개념을 이해한 초보 프로그래머에 초점이 맞추어져 있다. 그러나 VPL은 초보자에게만 국한되지는 않는다. 프로그래밍 언어의 구성환경은 아마도 신속한 원형화 작업이나 코드 개발자 같은 중급의 프로그래머에게 매력적일 것이다. 툴박스는 로봇 응용프로그램을 개발하는데 맞춰져있고, 근원적 구조는 로봇 프로그래밍에 제한되지 않고, 다른 응용프로그램에도 적용할수 있게 되어있다. 결론적으로 VPL은 웹개발자나 고급 프로그래머 뿐아니라 학생, 취미로 하는 사람등을 포함한 광범위한 유저들에게 매력적으로 나타날수 있다.

  • Basic Robotic Tutorials for VPL
  • The basic robotics tutorials for VPL help you get started writing the very first service for your robot. The tutorials take you from getting input from a single sensor to controlling an actuator to being able to write a "drive-by-wire" application where you can move your robot around..

Service Tutorials

  • Service Tutorials

    The service tutorials provide an introduction to several features of the service oriented application model provided by Microsoft Robotics Studio including dealing with state management, subscriptions, and accessing services through a Web browser. The service tutorials require no robotics hardware but do require some .Net programming skills.

Hosting Tutorials

  • Hosting Tutorials

    Services run within a context known as a DSS node. A DSS node is a hosting environment that provides support for services to be created and managed until they are deleted or the DSS node is stopped. A DSS node can either be started as a stand-alone application or as part of another application. The hosting tutorials provide an introduction for how to host a DSS node within other applications.

Robotics Tutorials

  • Setting Up Your Hardware

    Microsoft Robotics Studio can be used with a variety of robot platforms. In general follow the instructions for setting up your hardware and its means of communication to your PC running Windows XP (or Windows Vista). The following information may be helpful in helping you set up for the robots supported by the tutorials included in this technical preview.

  • Basic Robotics Tutorials

    The basic robotics tutorials help you get started writing the very first service for your robot. The tutorials take you from getting input from a single sensor to controlling an actuator to being able to write a "drive-by-wire" application where you can move your robot around.

  • Advanced Robotics Tutorials

    These tutorials demonstrate more advanced topics ranging from autonomous navigation to how you can build your own support for your robot.

Simulation Tutorials

  • Simulation Tutorials

    An important part of the Microsoft Robotics Studio offering is the simulation runtime. We have designed the simulation runtime so it can be used in a variety of advanced scenarios with high demands for fidelity, visualization, scaling. At the same time a novice user can use simulation with little to no coding experience and develop in a game-like environment to create interesting applications.

Additional Samples

  • Additional Samples

    Here you can find an interesting set of samples that demonstrate how to use Microsoft Robotics Studio with various technologies ranging from text-to-speech to GPS and other cool stuff.