Etc/Funny Design

올해의 의자들... 재미있군요... Chairs for years. Part II

suvisor 2007. 11. 2. 16:06
의자 디자인들. 참 희한한게 많네요...

Fill int the cat

Design by NEL

M’ama non m’ama
Mirror-like aluminium structure in the shape of forget-me-nots.

Design by Sand&Birch

Micama Sofa
Its segmented form factor gives you lots of choices, rolling it out as far as you dare

Design by Adero

One Shot stool
Fold your chair and then unfold it.

Design by Materialise.MGX

Soft Pipe
Comes from “the shape of a woman” - very stylish too.

Design by Sand&Birch

Lounge Seating
Bright yellow!

Design by Coloapas

Flindt chairs
Orchid Stool

Three or one, if inserted one into another

Rainbow stools

Design by Christian Flindt

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