ap 썸네일형 리스트형 AP에도 나오는 이명박기사. 부끄럽다... CNN 홈페이지에 자주들러 뉴스를 보는중에, 한 기사가 눈에 띄었다. 제목은 S.Korea presidential candidate faces fraud investigation. 대한민국 대통령 후보자가 사기사건조사에 직면했다'정도. 원문 : http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/12/17/skorea.election.ap/index.html 얼마전에는 태안 앞바다의 엄청난 일들이 CNN 홈페이지에 몇번의 포스트가 올라와서 안타까웠는데, 이런기사가 올라온다는건... 국제적인 망신이다. 이명박후보의 혐의가 있건 없건, 법적으로 책임이 있던, 없던간의 문제가 아니다. 각종 여론조사에서 1위를 달리며, 차기 대통령으로 지목되는 분에 대한 이런글이 올라왔다는 것 자체가, .. 더보기 Inter-Korean train service starts DORASAN STATION, South Korea (AP) -- The first cargo train providing regular service across the border between the two Koreas in more than a half century left Tuesday for the North. Korea Railway President Lee Chul shakes hands with the train's engine driver in Paju, South Korea, Tuesday. The 12-car train carrying construction materials will cross through the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone.. 더보기 South Korea faces 'sea of oil' MALLIPO BEACH, South Korea (AP) Residents and emergency workers used buckets to remove dense crude oil from South Korea's western shore, as the Coast Guard struggled in high waves and strong winds to contain the country's largest oil spill Saturday. Two migratory birds were found at the Mallipo beach, west of Seoul, South Korea, on Sunday. The oil was reaching scenic and ecologically sensitive a.. 더보기 Bush aims to pressure Congress at news conference 원본 : http://edition.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/12/04/bush.ap/index.html WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush, entrenched in disputes with Congress over spending and the war in Iraq, wants to intensify pressure on lawmakers when he addresses the media on Tuesday. President Bush on Monday details a lengthy list of items he wants Congress to address immediately. It will be his first news conference in near.. 더보기 Boy who refused treatment on religious grounds dies SEATTLE, Washington (AP) -- A few hours after a judge ruled that a 14-year-old Jehovah's Witness sick with leukemia had the right to refuse a blood transfusion that might have helped him, the boy died, a newspaper reported. A judge said Dennis Lindberg, shown in 2005, "understands the consequences of his decision." Dennis Lindberg died Wednesday night at Children's Hospital and Regional Medical .. 더보기 이전 1 다음