프로그래머들에게 꼭 필요한것은 개발툴이다.
원수 같이 보기만 해도 질릴수도 있기는 하지만, 하여튼 땔래야 떌수 없는게 그 개발툴들이다. 많은 툴들이 있지만, 여기에 공짜좋아하는 우리들에게 좋은 소식인 Free 한 버전의 IDE를 소개한다.
이두개의 Free IDE는 간단해서, 초보자들에게는 최고의 툴이라고 한다.
(그런데, MS에서 2008 Express버전이 인터넷에서 받아서 쓸수 있는데, 이걸 쓸 사람이 있을 지는 모르겠다. 우리나라에서의 MS 영향력은... 절대적이다..)
From http://prakharagrawal.wordpress.com/2008/01/08/best-free-cc-ide/
The first question to ask is what does a programmer need ?
To create an application you have to make sure that all these tools are available.
- A Text editor : To write the code source ( of any language). Basically a simple software as “bloc-notes” under Windows or “vi” under Linux is enough. The best thing is to have an intelligent text editor that make your code colorful and make your codes more comprehensive and easier to read.
- A Compiler : to compile your source code to binary code.
- A debugger : To help you to correct the bugs in your code.
Programming demands a lot of effort and concentration and you have to pick the tools that can make your life easier! You can look for these components separately but this will be like torturing yourself! You should pick 3 in 1 software called IDE : Integrated development environment.
Best Free C/C++ IDEs
Both of them are free and simple which make of them the best tools for beginners.
Note that both work on Windows and only Code::Blocks can run on Linux. And for Windows vista users you should follow some particular procedures to set up thes IDE or else you’ll face many bugs with compiling. Nevertheless, Visual Studio Express work correctly on Vista.
For mac users, I recommend “Xcode“. You can install it from the CD of Mac OS.